dgj257 ‘Kita Créatif’ Offenburg, restricted, single-phase realisation competition, 3rd place
In the immediate vicinity of the modern CANVAS+ commercial campus for the creative industries in Offenburg, a daycare centre is to be built that picks up on the spirit of the neighbourhood and reflects the leitmotif of holistic creativity development in the design of the building, the outdoor areas and the future educational concept. Under the motto ‘KITA CRÉATIF’, DGJ has designed a daycare centre with a flexible spatial programme that can react to future developments and new pedagogical approaches within the structure and thus offers plenty of scope for creativity, individual development and future viability.
Awarded by: City of Offenburg

dgj276 The only constant is change, concept award Spinelli Mannhem, 1st rank
In the second construction phase of this conversion project in Mannheim, the idea of the district was to be continued in all its structural diversity in a concept award. The high quality of the location on the green corridor near the city center is made use of by the development, the quarter gives the district of Käfertal Süd a new center. DGJ Architektur, together with the investor Deutsche Wohnwerte GmbH & Co. KG from Heidelberg, was awarded first place for construction site 13.4.
Awarding authority: MWS Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

dgj273 Mainova Ideas competition to create sustainable work environments with expansion of the property in Solmsstrasse commercial administration campus and preservation as headquarters, 1st price
Design by KÖLLING ARCHITEKTEN BDA and DGJ Architektur with the support of DGJ Landscapes, Zurich.
The subject of the competition was an urban design to create sustainable work environments. By means of the competition process, the property is to be further developed as a Mainova headquarters and commercial location, and the remaining areas are to be put to the best possible use. The goal is to use the potential in the best possible way and to obtain the optimal design for the development of the property. The existing development with a gross floor area of approx. 45,000 m² above ground and approx. 21,000 m² underground can be integrated into the planning, with the exception of a few older buildings that are not subject to monument protection.
Awarding authority: Mainova AG

dgj275 Concept award for former Hofstelle Böker in Spelle-Venhaus, 1st rank
Development and planning of an innovative, exemplary and sustainable concept for the revitalization of the former Böker farm with a closed distillery. Age-appropriate living space with affiliated care and nursing services, communal living for older and younger people, sustainable, flexibly usable single-family houses, communal gardens and outdoor spaces.
Awarding authority: Joint municipality of Spelle

dgj269 Competition Elementary Schools Bendeleben und Ilfeld, 1st price
Development of a basic system in timber construction (degree of prefabrication of the manufacturing technology: 60%)
Model project school building in timber construction
Architectural and open space planning realization competition Bendeleben and Ilfeld
Location Bendeleben: Two-stream elementary school with sports hall and outdoor facilities
Location Ilfeld: Single-room elementary school with outdoor facilities
Awarding authority: Free State of Thuringia, represented by the Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture District of Kyffhäuserkreis District of Nordhausen

dgj272 Competition new build KiTa und Wohnen Waldstadt, Karlsruhe, 2nd place
Structural planning for a new day care center and apartments
Multiple assignments in a restricted procedure with five invited participants
Awarding authority: Evangelische Stiftung Pflege Schönau

dgj267 Competition Karlsruhe Waldstadt “LICHTUNG”, 3nd place
New construction building and outdoor space
Realization competition with urban development idea part
Awarding authority: VOLKSWOHNUNG GmbH, Karlsruhe

dgj228 Gemeinsam Suffizient Leben – Baugruppe, 1st rank
New residential building
Limited Competition of the City of Frankfurt a.M.

dgj219 Arrival City 4.0, award, Werkbund Munich, Housing for Everyone
Idea workshop for refugee housing
Open competition

dgj220 Pre-Fab MAX, honorable mention Berlin award
Idea workshop for refugee housing
Open competition

dgj193 Library in Heidenheim an der Brenz, 2nd prize
New library
Invited competition

dgj195 Residential building Periscope Sudfass, Frankfurt, 2nd rank
New residential building
Invited competition

dgj185 Efficiency House Plus in the old building, Neu-Ulm, 3rd prize
Conversion of an existing building into a plus energy house with electromobility
Open interdisciplinary competition

dgj166 Mobile WC offers, Frankfurt a.M., 2nd rank and special price
Housing WC offers in landscape parks
Invited competition

dgj157 Cote Sauvage, swimming pool bathing facility, Sierre, CH, 1st prize
Remodeling office space
Commune Zollikon, LP 1 to 8
2002-2003, 200’000 CHF

dgj150 Zurich Renovation Yacht Club, Zurich, CH, 1st prize
Remodeling gastronomy
Invited competition

dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz, Zurich, CH, 1st prize
Interior fittings bank branch office
Invited competition

dgj141 Hergiswald Bridge, Kriens, CH, 2nd prize
Invited competition

dgj140 Observation Tower and Visitor Center Frankfurt Airport, 1st rank
Lookout tower with visitor center
Invited competition

dgj116 Stadtlicht Winterthur Kulturachse, CH, 1st prize
Concept and design of a city lighting Winterthur
Open competition

dgj117 Schulhaus Langweg Oberrieden, CH, 2nd prize
School construction
Invited competition

dgj110 Drents Museum Assen, NL, shortlist of the last 5
Expansion and Modernization Drents Museum Assen, NL
Two-phase competition

dgj086 West Link Zurich Altstetten, Zurich, CH, shortlist of the last 8
Urban planning and architecture, new residential district
Invited competition

dgj065 Sport and Event Spa St. Wendel, 1st runner-up
New construction of an event bath
Open competition

dgj051 Mobile hall in 6 cities for Lufthansa, 1st prize
Roadshow and mobile hall for promotion Business Class
Invited competition

dgj029 Extension school Hinwil, CH, 1st runner-up
Extension school complex
Open competition

dgj026 Centre Kriens, CH, shortlist of the best 4
Urban planning framework. Centre of Kriens

dgj022 Extension WSL Birmensdorf, CH, 2nd prize
Research campus, reception building and refectory
Invited competition

dgj021 Extension school Bad Homburg, 1st runner-up
New construction elementary school

dgj020 Ice rink Thalwil, CH, shortlist of best 5
New building ice rink

dgj018 Bern train station, CH, 5th prize
Lookout tower with visitor centre
Invited competition

dgj017 Community Centres of the Future Denmark, DK, shortlist of best 6
Conception and planning of three “Community Centreofthefuture”

dgj013 Outdoor spaces of commune Zollikon, CH, 1st prize
Planning of outdoor spaces and public areas

dgj008 Learning Landscape ETH World, 2nd Prize
Homepage: virtual and physical spaces of ETH Zurich
Two-stage competition

dgj006 Extension Technorama Winterthur, CH, 5th prize
Extension of the Science Center Technorama Winterthur

dgj004 Water station Bonn, 5th prize
Tourist centre, redesign of the Rhine promenade in Bonn

dgj002 TA Volksschule Volketswil, CH, 2nd prize
New school
Two-stage competition