TV and Radio

"Live differently" HR television on mini house

Contribution: “Live differently”

Broadcast: Die Ratgeber

TV station: Hessischer Rundfunk

Air date: March 2020

Excerpt: “Hans Drexler’s mini-house is in the middle of Frankfurt-Sachsensenhausen and practically sticks to the neighboring house. On just 29 square meters of floor space, five floors are stacked in cozy little parcels.”

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"Haus des Jahres" on dgj071 Minihouse

Report: “Unterwegs in Hessen”

Channel: Haus des Jahres

Broadcasting: HGTV

Release date: December 2020

Excerpt: “Eva Brenner and Guido Heinz Frinken are looking for Germany’s House of the Year in Hessen. A narrow passive house in the center of Frankfurt shows impressively how to use the smallest rooms in the big city.

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"Live nach neun" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Report: “Auswege aus der Wohnungsnot”

Channel: Live nach neun

Broadcasting: ARD/3sat/Artte/BR

Release date: 27th February 2019

Excerpt: “Architect Hans Drexel from Frankfurt is looking for (construction) gaps: on-top floors on parking garages, discounters or schools. This could create more than one million apartments in Germany. We show how “Better Living” of the future can look like.”

"Galileo Spezial" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Report: “Ganz SCHÖN eng! – so wohnt die Welt auf kleinstem Raum”

Channel: Galileo Spezial

Broadcasting: ProSieben

Release date: 17th February 2019

Excerpt: “New York, Hong Kong, Munich – What do these cities have in common? There is a lack of affordable housing space. For “Galileo Spezial”, reporter Claire Oelkers travels to the most populated and most expensive cities in the world. There she meets people with innovative solutions for tiny living space. In the Texas small town of Spur, on the other hand, people deliberately live in mini-houses. Why do some of them live voluntarily on just nine square meters?”

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"Planet Wissen" on urban housing with Hans Drexler live in studio

Report: “Verdichtete Stadt – das urbane Wohnen der Zukunft?”

Channel: planet wissen

Broadcasting: WDR/SWR/ARD alpha

Release date: 22nd October 2018

Excerpt: “Lack of housing, rising rents and land prices, traffic jam. Space is rare, as more and more people are drawn to Germany’s big cities. How can living there become affordable and worth living again? Architects and city planners are testing ideas for living and traffic.”

click to watch

"hessenschau" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Series: “Kampf um Wohnraum”

Channel: hessenschau

Broadcasting: Hessischer Rundfunk

Author: Katharina Schol

Release date: 3rd October 2017

Excerpt: “Frankfurt grows every year by 15,000 inhabitants. But where exactly do they find accommodation? However, the population density in Frankfurt is lower than in other cities. Due to this, there is much talk about compacting and that is much more than just filling gaps.”

"W wie Wissen" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Report: “Haus auf Haus: Nachverdichtung in der Stadt”

Channel: ARD Das Erste – W wie Wissen

Broadcasting: ARD/3sat/Arte/BR

Author: Boris Geiger

Release date: 30th September 2017

Excerpt: “Living space is rare in German cities. But how to solve this problem? A particularly creative possibility is “vertical” housing – houses built on top or attached to existing buildings. In the interview architect Hans Drexler at the Minihouse.”

"Plusminus" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Report: “Soziale Mieten – Wer bezahlbare Wohnungen verhindert”

Channel: ARD Das Erste – plusminus

Broadcasting: ARD/3sat/Arte/BR

Author: Markus Gürne

Release date: 16th March 2016

Excerpt: “Affordable housing is rare, especially in conurbations. In the course of the refugee influx the problem that we ignored for years is reactualised. “Plusminus” shows which changes in building need to be accomplished.”

TV report "3sat" on plus energy houses

Report: “Häuser von morgen – Das Bauen der Zukunft”

Channel: 3sat – hitec

Broadcasting: ARD/3sat/Arte/BR

Author: Michael Wech

Release date: 11th July 2012

Excerpt: “A new time has come: for the first time in the history of architecture so called plus energy houses produce more energy than they spend. Houses use up a big amount of energy. In Europe more than 40 percent of primary energy is spent through private housing, more than through transport and industry. To improve the energy efficiency of buildings, researchers and architects work on concepts of transforming houses into small power stations. In the inofficial world cup of plus energy housing in Madrid in 2012 – the “Solar Decathlon” – teams from all over the world took part.”

Radio report "SWR2" on project dgj223 IBA Heidelberg

Broadcast: “Das neue CA: Ein Projekt in Heidelberg – Studierende bauen ihr Wohnheim”

Channel: Südwestrundfunk

Author: Annette Lennartz

Director: Peter Boudgoust

Release date: September 2017


Excerpt: “The initial Collegium Academicum, CA, was founded in 1945 as a self-governing dormitory. At the time the CA was a centre of democracy, free education, and student protests. The university administration has closed the CA in 1976. However, a new group of students and activists keep the idea alive until today. Since 2013 the initiative works towards building a new CA building, housing 174 students and additional educational and cultural facilities.”