Report on Urban Development / Sponsorship

Article: “Bundesbauministerium fördert 314 Variowohnungen für Studierende und Azubis in Baden-Württemberg”

Release date: February 2018

Publisher: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit


Excerpt: „We promote innovative concepts of living spaces, which can be build up fast, uphold sustainability and offer intelligent solutions for demographic changes. The appartements should stay flexible for future ways of usage – that’s where the name ‚Variowohnen’ comes from.“

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Online magazine "jetzt" of "Süddeutsche Zeitung" on project dgj223 IBA Heidelberg

Article: “Diese Studenten bauen ihr eigenes Wohnheim”

Release date: September 2017

Author: Peter Krauch

Publisher: Süddeutsche Verlag


Excerpt: “Since 2013, the group has pursued a highly idealistic goal: a student dorm in its own right. This should be direct & democratic, both in terms of planning and in operation. I should interact with the residents and improve the student world too. In Heidelberg, as in many student cities, the situation on the housing market is extremely tense – according to estimates by the State Statistical Office, 11.000 apartments in the city are missing by 2030 – so actually a good idea. But is that realisable?”

"Best of Houzz Award 2016" for project dgj071 Minihouse

Release date: January 2016

Promotion: houzz

Houzz awards the Best of Houzz Award 2016 for Design to Hans Drexler for the popularity of his projects among the more than 25 million users of the Houzz community.

Online encyclopaedia "Baunetz Wissen" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Title: “Minihaus als Nachverdichtung in Frankfurt am Main”

Release date: April 2011

Author: Michaela Boguhn

Publisher: BauNetz Media GmbH

Editor: Jürgen Paul


Excerpt: “The existing infrastructure, social and cultural institutions and the short travel distances make it attractive to live in the city center. However, the dream of owning a home can apparently only be realised on the outskirts of the city. Inner city building plots are rare on the market and often present difficult conditions. But even on an area of ​​29 square meters, a fully adequate house can be planned, as the office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architektur in Frankfurt/Main shows with its Minihouse.”

"" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Title: “Das Mini-Impact-Haus. Rette die Umwelt, zieh in die Großstadt”

Release date: Juli 2010



Excerpt: “Effective use of space: Covering an area of 29 square meters in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen a passive house offers 145 square meters of living space. The future of metropolitan architecture?”

Online magazine "BAUNETZWOCHE" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Article: “Frankfurt Maßgeschneidert – Das Nachhaltigste”

Release date: March 2010

Author: Adeline Seidel

Publisher: Müller + Busmann KG Verlag

Excerpt: “The “Minimum Impact House” is a prototype for sustainable and energy-efficient living in the city. The building is the result of a research project by the architectural office Drexler Guinand Jauslin and the Chair of Design and Energy Efficiency of the Department of Architecture of the TU Darmstadt by Manfred Hegger. “The careful use of resources is a central aspect of sustainability. This applies both to the use of residual urban space and to the choice of materials and the energy efficiency of the building,” says builder and architect Hans Drexler. The use of existing urban infrastructures by densification not only reduces the urban sprawl, but also reduces traffic and stabilises the city’s economic and social structure.”

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