"FASZ" on project dgj223 IBA Heidelberg

Article: “Studenten werden Bauherren”

Release date: Octobre 14, 2018

Author: Leon Igel

Publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag

Editors: Werner D’Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

Excerpt: “In the apast months a self-made wooden container has caused a sensation in the middle of the city Heidelberg. Anyone peering through one of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the 14-square-meter box saw a messy bed, a desk, and a closet made of pine. … The cube is the harbinger of a project called Collegium Academicum.”

"FAZ" on project dgj228 Sufficient Communal Living

Article: “Raum ist Luxus, auch wenn er geteilt wird”

Release date: July 30, 2017

Author: Theresa Weiß

Publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag – FAZ.NET

Editors: Werner D’Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

Excerpt: “Everyone wants to live in the city center. But the rents are high, building land is expensive and, above all, scarce. A Frankfurt architect goes an old, new way. The area of ​​the multiple-family dwelling created in Frankfurt’s Nordend is comparatively tight per inhabitant according to Hans Drexler’s requirements. To compensate, common areas should be used. This is what Drexler calls “sufficient living.”

"FAZ" on project dgj155 Passive House Refurbishment Bonn

Article: “Graue Eminenz der Vorstadt”

Release date: December 2012

Author: Brigit Ochs

Publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag – FAZ.NET

Editors: Werner D’Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

Excerpt: “After the refurbishment, the house of Sibylle Feucht and Jürgen Starosta in Bonn shows a completely new side.”

"Weltkompakt" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Article: “Luftschloss im Passivhausstandard”

Release date: May 2011

Author: Jan Otto Weber

Publisher: Alex Springer

Editor: Thomas Schmid

Excerpt: “Affordable housing in the city while maintaining the quality of life – a problem that the Frankfurt architect Hans Drexler addressed for several years. However, he is not only concerned with the question of cost effectiveness, but above all with the ecological and social benefits of the densification of the city. An idea that should also be of interest for urban planners. After all, Frankfurt boasts as Germany’s passive house capital and strives for the European title of a Green City. The “Green Building Award” of the city of Frankfurt is intended to encourage private building owners to use sustainable designs. Hans Drexler received this prestigious award in 2009 for his Minihouse. On a triangular footprint of merely ​​29 square meters, he built a multi-storey timber building in Passive House standard on the Walter-Kolb-Strasse in Sachsenhausen with an area of ​​145 square meters.”

"Walliser Bote" on project dgj157 Cote Sauvage Sierre

Article: “Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur”

Release date: February 2011

Author: Sebastian Glienz

Publisher: Mengis Druck und Verlag AG

Excerpt: “The bathing facility around the lake Gerundensee in the city of the sun, is being redesigned. The architectural competition was won by the working group NAU Architecture in cooperation with the office Drexler Guinand Jauslin from Zurich.”

"Neue Zürcher Zeitung" on project dgj144 Raiffeisenbank Zurich

Article: “Einzahlen mit Einstein”

Release date: February 2011

Author: Jenny Keller

Publisher: Stock corporation for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Excerpt: “Futuristic new bank branch of Raiffeisenbank at Zurich Kreuzplatz. The walls of a bank branch at Kreuzplatz tell the story of the neighbourhood Hottingen.”

"FAZ" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Article: “Markenzeichen Green Building”

Release date: November 2009

Publisher: Konstantin Neven DuMont

Author: Dr. Matthias Arning

Publisher: Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH

Editor: Konstantin Neven DuMont

Excerpt: “The city of Frankfurt honours eight buildings with the “Green Building Award”, among which the Minihouse on Walter-Kolb-Straße in Sachsenhausen.”

"FAZ" on project dgj071 Minihouse

Article: “Handtücher und Streichholzschachteln”

Release Date: October 2009

Author: Rainer Schulze (editorial office FAZ)

Publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag – FAZ.NET

Editor: Frank Schirrmacher

Excerpt: “As small as a towel, as high as a matchbox – residential and office buildings were created on tiny plots of land in recent years. As the plots available for new residential areas decreases, city planning relies on densification. The city planning board expects that a few hundred residential units can be created in vacant lots.”

"FAZ"on project dgj071 Minihouse

Article: “Forschung und Wohnen im Minihaus”

Release date: June 2009

Author: Eva-Maria Magel

Publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag – FAZ.NET

Editors: Werner D’Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

Excerpt: “A Frankfurt architect and the Technical University Darmstadt are investigating urban densification. The Frankfurt architect Hans Drexler and his office Drexler Guinand Jauslin have set up the “Minimum Impact House” with a usable floor area of ​​about 150 square meters on just 29 square meters of utilisable space of land.”

"FAZ" on project dgj078 Exhibition Alpenpanorama

Article: “Pinsel, Farbe und der einarmige Gitarrist”

Release date: June 2005

Author: Christoph Schütte

Publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag – FAZ.NET

Editors: Werner D’Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

Excerpt: “Art instead of funeral speech: the tour in the” Atelierfrankfurt “. The architecture office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architektur presents its work in a dazzling white showroom in an extensive installation.”